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"2023 Summer Dance Courses"
are now open for registration

Summer 2024B-03.png
❄️Upgrade performance 💃升級舞台表演班❄️

✨日期:2024年8月3日 (星期六)


✨表演綵排堂: 2堂  (45分鐘/堂, 共2堂 90分鐘)


✨另加 $988  (原價:$2988)

✨包括 舞台演出證書

✨入場卷 2張  (隨機分配)


1. Princess Class

Suitable for ages 3-6

Course Outline:
🌈Fun Crafts
🌈Princess Dance
🌈Princess Stories
🌈Photo Session

2. Jazz Hip-Hop
🆒Stylish Hip-Hop Jazz Dance

Suitable for ages 6-14

🎉🎉🎉50% OFF🎉🎉🎉
🟢 8 classes in one term - Price: 2400
  Early bird🟡half-price: 1200
🟢16 classes in two terms - Price: 4800
Early bird🟡half-price: 2400

Enroll for one term and receive ballet shoes🩰
Enroll for two terms and receive a dance t-shirt 👕and a mystery gift🎁

3 Stage Performance Course

Suitable for ages 4-8

🌈6 classes
🌈Dance performance costume set
🌈Ballet shoes included
🌈One stage performance included
Price :3500
Early bird 🟡half-price: 1750

🟡Register before June 10th and enjoy the early bird discount of 50%


⭕所有暑期課程均不設補堂, 請於報名時選定上課日期及時間    


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